The Coalition of Farmers-Ghana (COFAG) has launched the “Farmer Resilience Programme” to help its member farmers tackle the COVID-19 pandemic challenges.

Here is a roundup of the Programme in 10 key points:

  1. Health, hand and face sanitising and hygiene for farmers, their families and community to prevent and contain the Coronavirus spread, as well as promote mental health and psychosocial support for strengthening immunity and promoting healing of infected persons.
  2. Food and nutrition security, balanced nutrition and nutrients for farmers, their families and all the community.
  3. Coping resilience and adaptation to challenges posed to farming by the COVID19 outbreak, as well as opportunities for farmers to meet the increased demand for food.
  4. Sharing of information experiences on challenges and opportunities for coping resilience and adaptation to COVID-19 by farmers, their families and rural communities.
  5. Electronic documentation and sharing of farmers experiences.
  6. Electronic awareness creation, training and capacity building on COVID-19 challenges and opportunities coping adaptation and resilience, and enhanced training about digital technologies in information and communication on COVID-19 for farmers.
  7. Special farmer group needs such as aged farmers, farmers with underlying health conditions, women, young and physically challenged.
  8. Local and global partnerships in resources and implementation.
  9. Monitoring and evaluation of the impacts during and after the Programme.
  10. Sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

For more information, please contact:

Nelson Godfried Agyemang
Secretary General and CEO
Cell: +233241888167