Raising the voice of farmers in their struggle to fight climate change and the pandemic outbreak

by the Climakers Alliance The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak arrived at a time when many countries in the world are already confronted with serious pre-existing burdens of climate change and food insecurity. Many farmers experienced and are still experiencing huge losses [...]

Building Back Better After COVID-19 Crisis: Let’s Hear the Farmers’ Voice!

Rome, Italy, July 6, 2020 – Last Friday, July 3rd, farmers’ representatives from all over the world convened digitally to share their thoughts and considerations, as well as experiences and lessons learnt during the pandemic outbreak. COVID-19 is putting unprecedented pressure [...]

Climate Disasters and Coronavirus: A Huge Threat to Rwandan Farmers

Most of the farmers in Rwanda are suffering heavy losses, after their crops were severely damaged by heavy rains, which devastated agriculture in Rwanda, especially in May 2020. So far, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB), states [...]

When the Life of the Farmer “Key Development Actor” Is Protected

In Rwanda, agriculture represents the leading economic sector, which, if well-functioning, contributes to the smooth working order of other activities, as well as the country's economic development. Like all other industries, even agriculture has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic [...]

COVID-19 : La FNSEA répond « présent »

Launch of massive mask purchase for Farmers and their farmworkers Based on the needs expressed by farmers, the Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA) proposed a joint operation for the collective purchase of protective masks. This approach aims to [...]

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