World Farmers head straight for the UN 2021 Food Systems Summit

The United Nations 2021 Food Systems Summit (UNFSS 2021) has arrived!

As the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), we look forward to a real People and Actions Summit.
The time has come to find win-win-win solutions. “Win” for the economic actors involved, “win” for the people and “win” for the planet!

Farmers are the people in the Food Systems. They are innovators by nature, have solutions to share, and stand ready to do their part.

WFO, together with other fellow Food Producers’ organisations across the globe, will be part of this historical event to ensure that those who produce food get the right visibility and elevate their crucial role to drive the transition to sustainable Food Systems. Will you join us? It is not too late to register!

Let’s Farm the Future Together!

Keep you updated on WFO and farmers’ engagement in the Summit by following on Twitter @worldfarmersorg and @farmers4foodsys,#Farmers4FoodSystems, #FoodSystems, #UNFSS2021.