The Board of Directors was also subject to a renewal with the election of Mr. Arnold Puech d’Alissac, bureau member of Fédération national des syndicats d’exploitant agricoles (FNSEA), France, as Representative for the European Constituency, Mr. Abdelmajid Ezzar, President of Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP), Tunisia, as Representative for the African Constituency and Mr. Sok Sotha, Vice-President of Cambodian Farmers Association – Federation of Agricultural Producers (CFAP), Cambodia, as Representative for the Asian Constituency.

From the International Secretariat side, we are proud to be serving such a powerful and visionary group of farmers leaders and we thank our dear Alfred Kapichira Banda, previous Representative for the African Constituency, for his invaluable contribution to the Board, wishing him the best of luck for the future.