El Paìs | La subida de costes asfixia a la industria alimentaria: “Un contenedor que valía 1.094 euros ahora me cuesta 14.590 euros”

El sector, que se da cita en el salón Alimentaria, descarta poder recuperar este año el negocio anterior a la pandemia a causa de los atascos en la distribución y al precio de las materias primas

IFPRI | West Africa faces mixed food security impacts from the Russia-Ukraine conflict

This blog post is part of a special series on the global and regional food security implications of rising food and fertilizer prices that began with the pandemic and are now exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The blog series is curated by IFPRI Senior Research Fellows Joseph Glauber and David Laborde to offer a range of perspectives and analyses on both the short- and long-term impacts.

UNITED NATIONS | Secretary-General’s opening remarks to the press on the war in Ukraine

Raising the alert of Russian nuclear forces is a bone-chilling development. The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility. The security and safety of nuclear facilities must also be preserved. It’s time to stop the horror unleashed on the people of Ukraine and get on the path of diplomacy and peace.

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