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A Farmers-driven Virtual Event

On July 3rd, farmers’ representatives from all over the world will convene digitally to share their thoughts and considerations, as well as experiences and lessons learnt during the pandemic outbreak.

Covid-19 is putting unprecedented pressure on agriculture and farmers worldwide. Still, farmers’ organisations across the globe have stood strong in the middle of this storm, ensuring that no farmer is left behind.

Organised by the World Farmers Organisation (WFO) with Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) and AgrarKontakte International (AKI), the webinar “COVID-19: Resisting Now to Build Back Better” will provide a tremendous occasion for shining a light on farmers’ adaptability and ability to innovate, organise, share and support each other at the time of coronavirus. The event will provide an excellent venue to discuss the “new normal” farmers want.

The event will be available in English – French – Spanish – Russian




3rd July  1 – 2.30 pm CEST

Introduction and scene-setting

Transitional Agriculture – Peer to peer exchange in times of COVID-19: the experience of National Farmers Organisations in helping members coping up with shocks in the food systems

  • Joachim Rukwied, President, German Farmers’ Organisation (DBV)
  • Werner Schwarz, Vice President, German Farmers‘ Association (DBV) 
  • Vladimir Plotnikov, President, Russian Association of rural and farm enterprises and agricultural cooperatives (AKKOR)
  • Betty Chinyamunyamu, CEO, National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM)
  • Oswald TUYISENGE, Executive Secretary, Rwandan Farmers’ Union (INGABO)
  • Paul Zakariya, Executive Director, Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union (ZFU)

Building Back Better after the COVID-19 Crisis:  The Perspective of Regional and global Farmers Organisations

  • Alberto Broch, President, Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM)
  • Elizabeth Nsimadala, President, Pan African Farmers Organisation (PAFO)
  • Lorenzo Espacio, Coordinator for UN Decade of Family Farming and Young Farmers’ Agenda, Asian Farmers Association (AFA)
  • Theo De Jager, President, World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO)

Q&A session

Final remarks

The event will be moderated by Arianna Giuliodori, Secretary General, World Farmers’ Organisation.


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