FarmDoc Daily | Fertilizer Prices, Rates, and Costs for 2023

While fertilizer prices have declined since spring, fertilizer prices remain high, and fertilizer costs are significantly higher than a year ago. Therefore, reducing rates where practicable seems prudent. Some fields will have soil test levels above those that will cause a yield response from phosphorus and potassium applications. Significantly reducing or eliminating applications in these fields is economically prudent. Moreover, nitrogen applications above university recommendations can substantially reduce returns. Changes in nitrogen prices from now to spring likely will be influenced by changes in corn and natural gas prices.

World Economic Forum | Here’s how female entrepreneurs are helping farmers feed Latin America

Fears of a global food crisis are mounting, as climate change impacts and supply chain blockages caused by the war in Ukraine are felt around the world. These female entrepreneurs are not only helping farmers feed Latin America, but also providing the organic farmers with a better livelihood. From fintech innovation to organic farming methods, these are the women changing the landscape of small-scale agriculture in Latin America.

The Brussels Times | Ukraine starts harvest, but export to global markets remains largely blocked

Ukraine has started its wartime winter harvest in the Odesa region, however, with the ongoing closure of ports and farmers’ lack of space to keep their produce, it is unlikely it will change the course of the path toward a global food crisis.

Al Arabiya | Wartime harvest begins in Ukraine but silos are already stuffed with backlog

At Oleksandr Peretiatko’s farm in central Ukraine, the harvest is just days away. In normal times, the crops would be sent off to ports on the Black Sea for export around the world.

New York Daily Gazzette | Ukraine to be partnered with USDA to Strengthen Agricultural Collaboration and Fight Global Food Insecurity

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced a Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food in Ukraine to enhance coordination on agriculture.

BREITBART | Ukraine’s desperate farmers trapped by grain blockade

Ukraine's desperate farmers trapped by grain blockade. As the blockage of Ukrainian grain stokes fears of a global food crisis, the obstacles are piling up for Ivanova, who employs 76 people.

The Japan Times | High grain prices prompt Japan farmers to grow wheat rather than rice

More Japanese farmers are planning to lower their rice production and switch to wheat and soybean this year amid rising grain prices caused by Russia's war in Ukraine, according to a government survey.

CNBC | Global food prices are soaring. Rice could be next

Food prices have been on the rise in the past few months, and export bans have followed. Rice could be next in line. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization Food Price Index already shows international rice prices creeping up for the fifth straight month to reach a 12-month high.

KCUR 89.3 | Western Kansas wheat crops are failing just when the world needs them most

Russia's war in Ukraine has disrupted global food supplies, driving up demand and prices for wheat. But after months of drought, many western Kansas farmers won’t have a crop to sell.

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