Francisco Beltrao, Brazil, June 05, 2024 – AgriCord and the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership. AgriCord and WFO will therefore join forces to strengthen farmers’ organisations and farmers’ voices to be heard at the global level with specific regards to Climate Action, through the capacity building of farmers’ organisations.

Key Objectives of the Partnership:

  • Facilitate and enhance the participation of farmers in global political processes related to agriculture and food systems, including global conferences, formal and informal meetings, as well as technical workshops to design or co-design initiatives in favour of the world’s farmers.
  • Create a consortium of Farmers’ Organisations that are able to advocate for climate finance to be allocated to farmers. Entities that will be addressed are primarily the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environmental Facility.
  • Enhance the capacity of farmers’ organisations to participate in projects, programs and initiatives that are established in support of farmers.
  • Enhance the technical collaboration of the agri-agencies adding value to the different consortia and to the continuous strengthening of farmers organisations.

“For AgriCord, as a specialized alliance providing technical expertise to farmers’ organizations and their businesses in a peer-to-peer approach, counting the World Farmers’ Organisation among our strategic partners is an important milestone. Both organizations have their own specific mandates and different but complementary roles and expertise. What unites us is our common goal of delivering services and results to farmers’ organizations and their members.” Said Marianne Streel, vice-president of AgriCord alliance, president of Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture.

Mr Arnold Puech d’Alissac, President of the World Farmers Organisation, added, “Our new partnership with AgriCord marks the beginning of a joint action to strengthen, through capacity-building initiatives, the agency of farmers’ organisations worldwide to actively engage in critical discussions and decisions regarding climate action and sustainable agriculture, enabling them to effectively represent and advocate the needs and interests of their farming communities, to create a meaningful change for farmers around the world.”


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About AgriCord:

AgriCord is a global alliance of 13 agri-agencies mandated by farmers’ organisations and their cooperative businesses from countries in Africa, Asia, Canada, the European Union, and Latin America. The mission of AgriCord is to promote and help to build other farmers’ organisations and cooperatives of family farmers- through peer-to-peer approach, in the long term and in a structural way, to organise family farmers in an effective, efficient, inclusive, and democratic manner to spur their development.

About the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO):

The World Farmers’ Organisation is a member-based international association of national farmers’ organisations and agricultural cooperatives from all regions and sectors. It represents and gives voice to the diverse community of farmers worldwide, regardless of their farm size, gender, and age. WFO’s mission is to inform and influence international decision-making on agriculture with farmer-driven and solution-oriented policies, ensuring the most pressing challenges farmers worldwide face are addressed, starting from their needs and leveraging their expectations.



June 05th, 2024