Federal Ministry or Economic Cooperation and Develpoment BMZ | G7 Presidency, World Bank Group Establish Global Alliance for Food Security to Catalyze Response to Food Crisis

The "Global Alliance for Food Security" (GAFS), jointly convened by the Group of Seven (G7) Presidency and the World Bank Group to catalyze an immediate and concerted response to the unfolding global hunger crisis, was launched at the G7 Development Ministers meeting today in Berlin, Germany.

CNN | India offered to help fix the global food crisis. Here’s why it backtracked

A month ago, as Russia's war in Ukraine pushed the world to the brink of a food crisis, India's prime minister Narendra Modi offered to help countries facing shortages

CBS | Food shortages stemming from Ukraine war has world leaders scrambling

The U.S. and the United Nations are working to get grains and essential food moving out of closed ports in war-torn Ukraine. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley began two days of meetings at the U.N. in an effort to rectify food crises in Ukraine and across the world.

Potato Pro | Food crisis in Ukraine… South Korean domestic potato prices soar

Potato prices continue to rise. At the Garak Market in Seoul on the 4th, a box of 20 kg of potatoes was sold at KRW 75,367 (about USD 58.48). Compared to the average value (48,105 won) from 2019 to 2021, it rose by 57%. As of the 4th, the average price for a box of 20 kg of potatoes per week was KRW 71,747 (about USD 55.67).

Financial Times | G7 warns of global hunger crisis unless Russia lifts Ukraine blockade

German foreign minister says alternative export routes are urgently needed as wheat price soars

CNA | Soy boon for Argentina as Ukraine war boosts prices

Russia's war on Ukraine has sent grain prices skyrocketing - a worry for consumers worldwide but potentially a boon for producers like Argentina, which hopes an influx of soybean "agridollars" will boost its faltering economy.

Euractiv | Nearly 25 million tonnes of grain stuck in Ukraine, says UN food agency

Ukrainian farmers started working in their fields amid the ongoing Russian invasion of the country. The European Council accepted a decision to instruct the European Commission to support Ukraine's agriculture and food security following a meeting held on 24-25 March 2022 in Brussels.

ReliefWeb | The consequences of the war in Ukraine will be far-reaching

The Horn of Africa is experiencing one of its most severe droughts in recent history, with more than 15 million people acutely food insecure in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

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